Elected Officials

Elected Officials Meeting The Governing body of the city consists of the Mayor and a seven-member Board of Alderman. Six members are elected from separate wards, while the seventh member is elected at large.

Both the Mayor and Board of Alderman are elected for concurrent four-year terms, which will expire in 2013.

The Mayor and Board of Alderman meet on the first and third Tuesday of each month at 4:00pm.

City Hall is located at 226 East Peace Street

Mailing Address:
P. O. Box 1605
Canton, MS 39046-1605

Phone: 601.859.4331

Fax: 601.859.4379

Government Contacts

Mayor Dr. William Truly
Alderwoman Alice M. Scott, At Large
Alderman Rodriquez Brown, Ward 1
Alderman Billy Myers, Ward 2
Alderman Charles A. Weems, Ward 3
Alderman Louis Smith, Ward 4
Alderman Reuben Myers, Ward 5
Alderman Eric Gilkey, Ward 6